
Connect With People

DISC History & Basics: Ep. 2

In Episode 2, we discuss the origins of DISC, why it’s so important, and some basics of the four major personality types.

For reference, the DISC Model of Human behavior Graph can be found here:



We want your input!!  Head over to our website at therapportadvantage.com.  Leave us a message on our contact page or Speakpipe App.  You can also follow the show on twitter @RapportPodcast. Or find us on Facebook at The Rapport Advantage.  Let us know what topics you’d be interested in when it comes to improving communication, building better teams, and reducing conflict at work or in your personal life.

If you want to find out more about your personality style or get assessments for multiple people, we have assessments available in our online store at: The Rapport Advantage Store

Thanks for listening!!  We would love for you to subscribe!!

Contact Alex at contact@alexswire-clark.com or 864-810-0133.

For a FREE 15 minute coaching session with Alex to help you improve an important relationship in your life, click HERE.

If you have questions or want to find out what style you are, contact us here.  Enjoy!

Improve Communication In Sales Situations

I want to thank the Sales Wolves Podcast for having us on the show last week.  Great organization with a great mission!  We discussed how to improve communication in sales situations and in our personal lives with the goal of building better relationships.  Take a look!

Visit our contact page to find out how we can help your organization retain top talent, reduce conflict, and build more effective teams.

Communicating With Intentionality

Most of us had that favorite teacher growing up. Who was yours? I bet the name popped up pretty quickly and you’re smiling right now, right? Why were they your favorite? It’s because they SPOKE YOUR LANGUAGE. “He did things that were fun.” OR “I got to work as soon as I walked in class.” OR “She genuinely cared about me.” OR maybe “She always told us WHY we were doing something and WHY it was important to know it.” YOUR answer depends on your personality.

The connections created between you two were most likely unintentional. You just happened to speak the same language. However, there is a way we can create those types of positive connections with all different personality types to increase productivity and decrease stress in our lives.

Each of us is a unique blend of four styles using the DISC model of Human Behavior.  That blend either makes us more driven, more caring, more analytical, or more fun to be around.  All the style blends have positive attributes.  The key to communicating with intentionality is:

Understand yourself

Understand the other person (be able to effectively read their style)

Adapt your style to the other person to create a sense of ease and positive feeling.

The Rapport Advantage program teaches you all three of the above skills in a fun interactive way.  This knowledge has so many practical applications.  From helping to establish trust early in the sales process, to building better teams, to creating better relationships in your personal life.

Let us know how we can help you increase productivity and decrease stress when it comes to the relationships in your life.


Who Are You…..Really?

Not everyone thinks like you do. Shocker!  Yet, you still need to interact with others in a positive way.  What if there was a way to improve all your relationships almost instantly?   I’m talking personally and professionally.


The stepping off point on that journey is understanding yourself. This short clip will tell you why understanding the way you are wired is critical to improved relationships.


For more information on how you can close more sales, build better teams, strengthen marriages, and even improve parent- child relationships, feel free to contact us to see how we can help.  Thanks for watching!

The DISC Sales Model: Understanding C Type Personalities

DISC Model


This entry is the fourth of a four part series that will briefly describe each primary personality type in the DISC Model of Human Behavior.  Remember, that everyone is a unique combination of all four types.  That’s what makes you, you!  Today look at understanding “C” type personalities.  

I’m sure you seen toddlers asking their parents questions.  Of course their favorite question is…..”WHY?”  

“Please don’t play with that bug.”


“Because bugs are dirty.”


“Because they live on the ground.”


“Because that’s the way God made them.”

“Why?”  It becomes comical to the observer but probably not for the parents after a while.  Fast forward a few years and the adult versions of those little ones are still asking , “Why?”  However, they are now asking “why” as engineers, doctors, and philosophers.  

Here are 5 phrases that describe people that are a “High C” type:









A “High C” is reserved and task-oriented.  If you’re unsure about how those two terms work together, you can read more about that here.

C’s are usually the last person to speak in a discussion.  Their brains are always figuring out the rationale behind a project.  They are the epitome of “measure twice, cut once.”  They are critical thinkers and are gifted at analytics and details.  They are all about consistency and rarely accept mediocrity.  They are committed to excellent work and can be a perfectionist.  The highlight of their day is finishing the last item on their “to do” list.  They make great accountants, architects, and attorneys.  

When they communicate they use a monotone delivery and “thinking” words.  They will often ask clarifying questions, seeking out more information before they give an opinion.  They are the procedure police and will make sure people are following the rules.  They are great at seeing the “big picture.”


Their motto is:  Ready, Aim, Aim….

They represent about 20-25% of the population.


In summary, C’s in the workplace or your family are going to be the quiet thinkers.  To get them to respond, provide the why behind the activity or project to increase their buy-in.  C’s are an organization’s innovators.  Thank them for helping us from plunging into anarchy!! 🙂

For more information about DISC, or to inquire how Alex can help your business increase sales and build better teams, simply fill out the contact information below.  Thanks for stopping by!

Alex Swire-Clark

The Rapport Advantage™

Connect Quicker With People, Close More Sales, Build Better Teams

Contributions by Robert A. Rohm, Ph.D.

Concise Adult Version

This 6-page report provides essential feedback with an accurate measurement of your personality blend. Your report will include the following:

  • Words that describe you
  • Your strengths
  • Keys to Excellence
  • Your value on a team
  • Your DISC personality graphs