
Communicating With Intentionality

Most of us had that favorite teacher growing up. Who was yours? I bet the name popped up pretty quickly and you’re smiling right now, right? Why were they your favorite? It’s because they SPOKE YOUR LANGUAGE. “He did things that were fun.” OR “I got to work as soon as I walked in class.” OR “She genuinely cared about me.” OR maybe “She always told us WHY we were doing something and WHY it was important to know it.” YOUR answer depends on your personality.

The connections created between you two were most likely unintentional. You just happened to speak the same language. However, there is a way we can create those types of positive connections with all different personality types to increase productivity and decrease stress in our lives.

Each of us is a unique blend of four styles using the DISC model of Human Behavior.  That blend either makes us more driven, more caring, more analytical, or more fun to be around.  All the style blends have positive attributes.  The key to communicating with intentionality is:

Understand yourself

Understand the other person (be able to effectively read their style)

Adapt your style to the other person to create a sense of ease and positive feeling.

The Rapport Advantage program teaches you all three of the above skills in a fun interactive way.  This knowledge has so many practical applications.  From helping to establish trust early in the sales process, to building better teams, to creating better relationships in your personal life.

Let us know how we can help you increase productivity and decrease stress when it comes to the relationships in your life.


Concise Adult Version

This 6-page report provides essential feedback with an accurate measurement of your personality blend. Your report will include the following:

  • Words that describe you
  • Your strengths
  • Keys to Excellence
  • Your value on a team
  • Your DISC personality graphs