How to Improve Your Sales Process and Build a Better Team?
My Rapport Advantage Corporate Training brings the answer.
It can be tailored to a half, full or multi-day event, depending on your needs.
Highly interactive sessions allow participants to dive deeper into the DISC concepts and apply those concepts with the company structure.
Program 1
Team Tactics:
Build Rapport and More
- Understand the DISC model of Human Behavior
- Identify the key personality style characteristics for improved hiring
- Discover how various style blends relate to/ interact with other blends
- Eliminate miscommunication and reduce stress within and across teams
- Learn each style’s: struggles, motivators, & secrets to success
- Identify predictable behavior & what behavior is effective in certain situations
- Find out what blends make the most effective of Partnerships/ Team Mates
- Understand the DISC model of Human Behavior
- Identify the attendee’s primary personality style
- Discover how various style blends relate to/ interact with other blends
- Learn to tailor your presentation to your audiences style for maximum effect
- Determine each style’s main motivators, buying methods, and pressure points
- Identify predictable behavior & body language to prevent poor sales assumptions
- Discover the 2 fundamentals in building trust
Program 2
Selling With Style
Best Audience: Sales Teams, Company Wide-Events, Customer Service Teams, Leadership Events